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Meer dan de helft van de Nederlanders zou zich schamen als zij slachtoffer zouden worden van onlinefraude, blijkt uit onderzoek van Ipsos in opdracht van ABN AMRO…. Bron:  

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Free illustrations of Checklist

When the year is coming to a close, it’s the perfect time to plan for the future. Most businesses begin the year with the hope of growing and improving operations. Much of how a business operates depends on technology. So, it makes sense to look to your IT for areas of optimization.A year-end technology review …

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Free illustrations of Neon

It seems that nearly as long as passwords have been around, they’ve been a major source of security concern. Eighty-one percent of security incidents happen due to stolen or weak passwords. Additionally, employees continue to neglect the basics of good cyber hygiene.For example, 61% of workers use the same password for multiple platforms. And 43% …

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Free A Person Working on His Laptop Stock Photo

Bring your own device (BYOD) is a concept that took hold after the invention of the smartphone. When phones got smarter, software developers began creating apps for those phones. Over time, mobile device use has overtaken desktop use at work.According to Microsoft, mobile devices make up about 60% of the endpoints in a company network. …

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Je Instagram-account is gehackt, wat nu? Het kan erg vervelend zijn als je account van Instagram gehackt is of dat je een vermoeden hebt dat je account in verkeerde handen is gevallen. Wat te doen? Lees meer.

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Free photos of Ransomware

Endpoints make up much of a company’s network and IT infrastructure. This is a collection of computers, mobile devices, servers, and smart gadgets. As well as other IoT devices that all connect to the company network.The number of endpoints a company has will vary by business size. Companies with less than 50 employees have about …

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Je LinkedInaccount is gehackt, wat nu? Denk je dat je account op LinkedIn gehackt is? Of ben je bang dat dit kan gebeuren? Aan de hand van deze tips kun je de beveiliging opschroeven – en een eventuele hack melden. Lees meer.

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Je Facebookaccount is gehackt, wat nu? Wat kun je doen als je denkt dat je Facebookaccount gehackt is? En: hoe kun je controleren of iemand anders toegang heeft tot jouw profiel? Lees meer.

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red padlock on black computer keyboard

One of the most difficult types of attacks to detect are those performed by insiders. An “insider” would be anyone that has legitimate access to your company network and data. This would be via a login or other authorized connection.Because insiders have authorized system access, they bypass certain security defenses. Such as those designed to …

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Je e-mailaccount is gehackt, wat nu? Je wilt net even je mail checken, maar dan merk je dat je wachtwoord niet meer werkt of misschien merk je wel gekke activiteit in je account. Hoe dan ook lijk je gehackt te zijn. Wat nu? Lees meer.

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