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Je LinkedInaccount is gehackt, wat nu? Denk je dat je account op LinkedIn gehackt is? Of ben je bang dat dit kan gebeuren? Aan de hand van deze tips kun je de beveiliging opschroeven – en een eventuele hack melden. Lees meer.

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Je Facebookaccount is gehackt, wat nu? Wat kun je doen als je denkt dat je Facebookaccount gehackt is? En: hoe kun je controleren of iemand anders toegang heeft tot jouw profiel? Lees meer.

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red padlock on black computer keyboard

One of the most difficult types of attacks to detect are those performed by insiders. An “insider” would be anyone that has legitimate access to your company network and data. This would be via a login or other authorized connection.Because insiders have authorized system access, they bypass certain security defenses. Such as those designed to …

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Je e-mailaccount is gehackt, wat nu? Je wilt net even je mail checken, maar dan merk je dat je wachtwoord niet meer werkt of misschien merk je wel gekke activiteit in je account. Hoe dan ook lijk je gehackt te zijn. Wat nu? Lees meer.

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Ben je gehackt? Zo kom je erachter en dit kun je eraan doen. Een steeds groter deel van ons leven vindt online plaats, dus ook de noodzaak om je accounts en wachtwoorden goed te beschermen wordt steeds groter. Updates en beveiliging zijn ook belangrijk. Hoe merk je dat je gehackt bent en wat kun je …

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Free photos of Checklist

Digital footprints cover today’s modern workplace. Employees begin making these the moment they’re hired. They get a company email address and application logins. They may even update their LinkedIn page to connect to your company.When an employee leaves a company, there is a process that needs to happen. This is the process of “decoupling” the …

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Free Person Shopping Online Stock Photo

The holiday shopping season is taking off. This means that scammers have also revved up their engines. They’re primed and ready to take advantage of all those online transactions.Don’t forget to stay safe online during the buying frenzy that occurs this time of year. An ounce of cybersecurity prevention is definitely worth a pound of …

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Free Close Up of a Keyboard Stock Photo

When you hear about Microsoft adding security apps to M365, it’s often the business versions. But the pandemic has changed the way that we see the workplace. It’s now a hybrid world. One made up of several connected “mini-offices” located in employee homes.The outsourcing market has also contributed to the change in company networks. Freelancers …

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Free illustrations of Hacker

Software vulnerabilities are an unfortunate part of working with technology. A developer puts out a software release with millions of lines of code. Then, hackers look for loopholes that allow them to breach a system through that code.The developer issues a patch to fix the vulnerability. But it’s not long before a new feature update …

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person in black long sleeve shirt using macbook pro

Have you felt more secure from cyberattacks because you have a smaller business? Maybe you thought that you couldn’t possibly have anything that a hacker could want? Didn’t think they even knew about your small business.Well, a new report by cybersecurity firm Barracuda Networks debunks this myth. Their report analyzed millions of emails across thousands …

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