HostRW Computer Service -
+31 (0) 40 7852560
Ma - Vr: 09:00 - 18:00
Za & Zo: gesloten
HostRW Computer Service -
+31 (0) 40 7852560
Ma - Vr: 09:00 - 18:00
Za & Zo: gesloten
white laptop computer on white table

You often hear the words “digital transformation” and “collaboration.” But what do they actually mean? What do they mean for the day-to-day of running your business?Collaboration can’t happen without shared goals. When departments are siloed and unconnected, priorities can conflict. People are doing their best but may not be moving in the same direction.Digital transformation …

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Je denkt er liever niet over na, maar toch is het verstandig om alvast te bedenken wat er na je overlijden moet gebeuren met je digitale accounts. In het geval van Facebook zijn er drie opties… Bron:

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30 Chrome- en Edge-extensies stelen data van miljoenen gebuikers. Hoe gebeurt dit en wat kan ik eraan doen? Bron:

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Free photos of Voicemail

The global pandemic put a big emphasis on the need to run a business from anywhere. Enabling employees to work remotely requires cloud solutions. This includes collaborative platforms like Google Workspace and Microsoft 365. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone systems have also become critical.VoIP allows companies to stay in contact with customers and potential …

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Make your life easier with these underrated Command keyboard shortcuts on MacOS… Source:

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Antivirusapps kunnen je extra bescherming geven tegen malware en identiteitsdiefstal. Daarnaast komen heel wat apps met handige extra’s zoals een vpn, bescherming van je pc, bescherming tegen ongewenste bellers en diefstal. We bespreken de beste apps… Bron:

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On Windows 11, “Widgets” is a feature that provides various types of informational content (weather, news, sports, stocks, traffic, entertainment, tasks, and family activities) in the form of small widgets from a flyout without having to open your phone to consume the same content… Source:

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Het aantal cyberaanvallen op Nederlandse gemeenten is het afgelopen jaar sterk toegenomen. De afgelopen twee jaar waren er vijf grote cyberincidenten… Bron:

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Free photos of Cyber security

One constant struggle in offices is the balance between productivity and security. If you give users too much freedom in your network, risk increases. But add too many security gates, and productivity can dwindle.It’s a fine balance between the two, but one you can achieve. Organizations need to recognize the importance of both. And not …

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Gratis parkeren in het stadscentrum. Klinkt te mooi om waar te zijn? Niet in Antwerpen. Door een hack kan de stad al een maand geen parkeerboetes innen…. Bron:

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